Description: C:\Users\HP\Desktop\logo2.jpgTRAINFIELD COLLEGE


Plot 21, Utubor Street, Bako Estate, by Irawo B/Stop, Along Ikorodu Road, Owode-Onirin, Lagos.                Contact: 08034024906, 07068910666             E-mail:                                   Website:     Whatsapp link:


                                                                                                                                                                                                            16th April, 2021




To the glory of God Almighty, this term started and has ended well. We wish to thank God for granting us the opportunity to start and end the term with joy and fulfillment. The management uses this medium to appreciate all your support, in finance, academic and sports activities. We thank you so immensely for enrolling your beloved children in our school. We assure you we shall not let you down in all your expectations from the school. You are assured that we shall continue to maintain and improve on our effort at giving academic and moral excellence to your children. The school Management hereby uses this medium to raise the following issues:



The second term, 2020/2021 academic session kick started on the 18th day of January, 2021 and we have witnessed a lot of academic and co-curricular activities. As you have known the school for its sound academic standard, the school always wants to reach the apex. Students’ performances this term were wonderful as is reflected in their Continuous Assessment. The co-curricular programmes have been excellent as well. These show commitment in our students, as they have demonstrated diligence in their studies. We have enhanced our teaching methodology in terms of more practical work for students in the science department (as there is no science without practicals), just as other departments are well grounded academically too. By increasing our teaching capacity in co-corricular activities, our students participated in inter-class Spelling Bee, Quiz and Debate competitions, respectively. All to enhance their learning ability, since education does not just start and end in the classrooms alone. Indeed, all school clubs (academic and Uniform) are in full operation in the school. We implore parents not to relent in their efforts from the home front to encourage their children/ward(s) to study hard when they are at home. Our esteemed parents, be assured of our commitment to academic and moral excellence.




In order to prepare our students for their external examinations, we shall continue the Extramural Classes for our students in the JSS3 and SS3. This will start as from Monday 26th of April, 2021. Time: 9:00am – 01:00pm, Mondays through Fridays. Parents are informed to please take note.



Open Day is always day set aside by the school for parents to come check and assess the academic performance and activities of their children. It is also an avenue for parents to have a one-on-one interaction with management and teaching staffs of the school as it correlates with the academic activities of their children. To this effect, we want to encourage all parents to devote time for this expedient academic exercise as it goes a long way to bringing about greater improvement in the academic performance of a student.



The Trainfield bench mark still remains 100%. We assure our esteemed parents that all parameters are in place to enable us achieve the above bench mark. We enjoin every parent to keep partnering with us so as to enable us serve you better.



We have sustained a more disciplined atmosphere so far this term, considering the fact that over the years, there has been significant improvement in scholars’ discipline. We attribute this to the support of most parents who in partnership with us, inculcate sound morals in the children. We sincerely encourage our esteemed parents to continue with this laudable practice at home as we promise to keep counseling and correcting them on unacceptable and unusual behahviour, thus producing better Nigerian children.



We must commend the efforts of our parents on the slight improvement we have noticed in punctuality this term. Our expectations are high, so, we still appeal that more commitment be made, since this forms part of our character development training for Trainfield scholars. Resumption time is on or before 7:30am and all students are expected to be in school latest by 7:35am daily. We appeal to parents to please assist the school to entrench punctuality in our children. Remember, lateness to any programme is globally taken as indiscipline. For punctuality is the soul of every business. As a follow-up, the policy of locking the school gate after 8:00am or requesting defaulting parents to sign in their wards will fully be enforced. Please note that where this becomes a routine, the parent(s) in question shall be requested to meet with the school management team for conferencing.



We wish to remind our esteemed parents of our sport day; every Thursday. Students are to appear in their sports wear on this day.



We thank our esteemed parents who make use of our bus shuttle. We appeal to all our parents whose children use the bus service to please make payment before the resumption of any term so as to enable us have adequate preparation for a smooth take off of the term. Note that students who do not pay by resumption shall not be picked or returned. We are thanking you for your prompt response. To assist us serve you better, parents are encouraged to always counsel their wards on best behaviours during bus shuttle. Parents should always make ready their wards before the arrival of the bus as a minute extra spent in one house definitely distorts the routine of that particular bus. We are appealing to parents who do not use the bus service to always pick up their wards immediately the school closes. We observed that some parents still pick up their ward(s) late after school hours. This is not healthy for our scholars. We also use this medium to appeal to parents not to allow minors to drive their ward(s) to school.



In line with our school’s policy, no parent is allowed into the class unless on special occasion as maybe permitted by the school authority. Parents are therefore advised to ensure scholars come to school with their lunch packs. Please, help us to serve you better. We wish to notify our esteemed parents to always sit in the school hall as they come for pick-up of their ward(s) at closing hours. We assure you that our staff shall always be on the alert to attend to you.



To achieve continuous and improved academic excellence, the school needs a lot of fund, of which the main source is the school fees of our students. To this effect, parents are implored to pay the school fees as promptly as possible. The school management requests that our parents pay the school fees before the new term begins or at least the first day of resumption. This goes a long way to help the school plan and put all necessary things in place for our dear students. It should be paid into the school’s bank account and the teller of payment promptly brought to school as evidence of payment. We wish to remind you that in line with the CBN cashless policy, the management of Trainfield schools once again wishes to inform you that the payment of fees can be done through the following ways:

a)       Funds transfer

b)       direct instant platform via individual banks

Parents should please ensure that the names of the child(ren) and their class(es) are clearly written for easy identification.



There is no doubt that there are security challenges in the country now. The school is trying its best to leave up to expectation. Hence, the re-installation of CCTV cameras in and around the school premises. In as much as we don’t pray for any negative ordeal, we all need to be security conscious. Therefore, are advised to be security conscious while students are coming and leaving the school and also while at home. For instance, those that are conveyed to and from school with motorcycle (okada) should be monitored properly by parents. As part of the mechanism put in place by the school, all students are expected to sign in and out on the general students’ attendance book, daily. The school gate would be locked immediately after the morning assembly but open to parents/visitors who may have one or two things to do in the school.



Considering the importance of Parents Teachers and Management forum towards the continuous progress, growth and development of our children/students, the school management implores parents to always find time to attend the meeting. The meeting comes up once in a term (with notice).



Open Day is a day set aside by the school to come check and assess the academic activities of their children. It is also a special day for parents to have a one-on-one interaction with management and teaching staff of the school as it correlates with the academic performance of their children. To this effect, we want to encourage all parents to devote time for this expedient academic exercise, as it goes a long way to bringing about greater improvement in the academic performance of a student.



The Graduation/Valedictory Service Ceremony of the students in the terminal classes (JSS3 & SS3) will be coming up. The colours of their wears go thus:

1.       JSS3 --- Black suit with yellow shirt (boys and girls)

2.       SS3 ----- Blue suit with white shirt and red bowtie (boys)

Navy blue gown with a touch of red (girls)                                                   

Each graduating student is to pay a sum of #20 000 for the graduation ceremony.



Third term 2020/2021 academic session resumes on the 4th of May, 2021. Parents are to please take note and ensure that their ward(s) are back to school on the above date. A day off school means missing out on studies for that day, remember, studies begin on the day of resumption.


Thank you so immensely for your usual cooperation and for choosing Trainfield. We sincerely appreciate.